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Case Results

Conaway & Strickler prides itself not only in the diversity of the types of cases it takes on but also on the fact that we do not constrain ourselves to jurisdictional boundaries. We have ample experience practicing in state court as well as federal courts across the country. A few examples of The Firm’s work as one of the top criminal defense firms in the nation are:

United States v. K.V.: Our client was contacted by a Federal investigator regarding allegations of Healthcare Fraud. He immediately hired our firm and we began investigation and mitigation work. We scheduled court hearings and other meetings without affecting the client's work as a physician, and argued strongly for a sentence of probation. Even after negotiating a favorable charge, the client was facing 12-18 months in prison. After arguments, the Judge agreed with us and handed down a sentence of 12 months' probation.

United States v. R.J.: Our client was indicted with dozens of defendants in a multi-state gang investigation. Evidence in the case exceeded a terabyte of data, including wiretaps, undercover video, and years of investigation. We were able to prove the client's limited involvement in the tangled web of charges, lack of any violent conduct, and otherwise stable home and work life. The only sentence handed down was for a mandatory 10-year drug charge.

State of Georgia v. M.A.: Our client was indicted on one count of rape. Our defense focused on eyewitnesses to the interactions of our client and the alleged victim as well as the victim's inconsistent statements. After a combative trial and four days of testimony by eight witnesses, the jury deliberated for less than an hour before finding our client not guilty

State of Georgia v. H.J.: Our client was indicted on six counts of sexually related charges. Our defense focused on alibi evidence for one alleged incident and contradictory statements from the prosecution’s witnesses, including the alleged victim. After three days of testimony, the jury deliberated for only two hours before finding our client not guilty of each and every charge.

United States v. C.J.: The government investigated our client for alleged kickbacks totaling nearly $4,000,000.00. After extensive investigation and negotiation with the government, our client was still facing a sentence of four to five years. The Firm prepared an extensive sentencing memorandum showing our client’s strong family and community ties, remarkable volunteer and community service work, childhood trauma, and lack of any prior criminal history. Upon reviewing this evidence and hearing from multiple witnesses on our client’s behalf, the Judge appropriately sentenced our client to only a year and a day in custody.

State of Georgia v. S.P.: Our client was accused of falsifying records and stealing from her employer. This resulted in a charge of computer trespass, a felony in the State of Georgia punishable by up to fifteen years in prison. Despite a contentious case with all parties pointing fingers at each other, the Firm was able to negotiate with the prosecutor and get the felony charge reduced to a misdemeanor with the client receiving only 12 months’ probation.

The Case of L.N.: Our client, formerly employed by a Fortune 500 company, was accused by the company of downloading proprietary information from the company, which could have resulted in felony Computer Trespass charges. After several meetings and negotiations with the company’s top officers and legal counsel, the company declined to pursue any charges against our client.

The Case of F.J.: F.J. hired the Firm following an unexpected visit by law enforcement at his home where agents searched and seized his electronics. By intervening early and cooperating with authorities, we were able to persuade the GBI not to pursue charges in a “Romeo and Juliet” online chat investigation which could have put our client in prison for 10 to 15 years.

State of Georgia v. T.N.: T.N. was charged after allegedly chatting online with an underage girl. The client was facing two to fifteen years in prison. While the client was already represented by counsel, he met with us to seek a second opinion and hired us only weeks before a scheduled plea. Upon reviewing the sexting case, we were able to refer the client for extensive evaluations and counseling that showed undiagnosed learning disorders and furthered our argument that the client lacked the requisite knowledge and intent to commit the crime. Despite the voluminous mitigating circumstances we presented to the prosecutor, the state was still unwilling to offer anything less than two years’ imprisonment. We presented his case to the Judge, arguing that any term of imprisonment would be an unduly harsh punishment under the circumstances. The Judge agreed and the client was granted probation.

State of Georgia v. D.B.: A seemingly minor traffic stop led to felony charges for possession of a Schedule II ADHD medication without a prescription. After meeting with the client, a college student, and referring him for evaluation, it was determined he indeed suffered with mental illness for which he’d sought out medication without going to a doctor. We were able to present these unique circumstances to the prosecutor, negotiate for the client to be admitted into the pretrial diversion program, and the charges were eventually dropped.

USA v P.S.: Client faced a mandatory minimum of 15 years in prison for sexting, but after arguments, the Judge sentenced client to only a year and a day.

The Case of N.C.: Clients hired us after execution of a search warrant at their business. We immediately began working with investigators and prosecutors while also working with the client to craft and better explain the correct narrative for the inquiry. By doing so, we were able to divert a healthcare fraud prosecution from the criminal investigation division to the civil investigation division. Upon production of voluminous records, the government conceded that only a small portion of the records may have been missing some checks and balances, and clients were able to pay a fine and continue their business without further interruption and completely avoid any criminal charges.

State v. H.D.: Client was charged with a crime that would have forced him to be on the sex offender registry. We navigated a difficult family situation to come to a resolution that protected all parties. We convinced the prosecutor to re-indict the client with a charge that would keep client off the registry and allow for a sentence of probation.

United States v. G.A.: Our client was indicted on 30 counts of Healthcare Fraud in which the government alleged theft of nearly $800,000. Facing at least 10 years in prison, we negotiated a plea down to 5 counts. However, our client was still facing 3 years in prison. After extensive documentation on client’s mental and physical health challenges, the Court handed down a sentence of only a year and a day.

State of Georgia v. P.D.: Our client was arrested for Financial Exploitation – Elder Abuse due to allegations from a friend’s estranged family member. Through investigation and our client’s detailed documentation, we were able to show the district attorney that no crime occurred, and no charges were ever brought.

Our client was investigated by the Nursing Board for allegations of diversion. Diverting medication for personal use or sale can easily lead to the loss of licensure, as well as criminal charges. After extensive meetings and reviewing client’s medical and personal history, we attended a meeting with client before the Nursing Board. In the end, a confidential letter of concern was the only admonishment client received.

Our client was investigated by the Speech Pathology licensing board for billing inconsistencies. After several meetings and an internal investigation, the client was called before the board to testify in person. At the conclusion of the hearing, the case was closed and our client was cleared of any wrongdoing and received no license restrictions.

State of Georgia v. B.A.: Our client was arrested for aggravated assault, a felony, after pointing his legal concealed carry weapon at a car that had just hit him. After following the case from arrest to the District Attorney, to reduced charges sent to the Solicitor’s office, back to District Attorney’s office after expiration of the misdemeanor statute of limitations, we were finally able to show the prosecutor that our client was no more at fault than the driver who hit him. All charges were dropped.

The Case of W.C.: Due to a conviction more than 20 years ago, our client was required to register as a sex offender. After discovering his earlier request to be released from registry requirements was denied on a technicality, we were able to show the court his outstanding work ethic, community support, and lack of any other criminal history. Filing the request to relieve him of registry requirements just as COVID-19 shut down court systems across the state, we were able to convince the Court to schedule a virtual hearing despite the District Attorney’s attempts to wait until all interested parties could appear in person. Our client can now live and work free of the constraints and stigma of the registry.

A real estate developer under federal investigation for bank and tax fraud. The Firm conducted an internal compliance audit on behalf of the client and convinced the federal prosecutor to drop the investigation without an arrest.

A federal employee under federal investigation for possession of child pornography. The Firm conducted an independent forensic audit of the client’s computers and Internet searches and convinced the prosecutor to drop the investigation against the client without an arrest.

A corporate sales manager charged with wire and bank fraud from a Fortune 500 company. The client took responsibility for his actions in court and the Firm convinced the judge to give the client probation and house arrest over objections from the federal prosecutor who wanted prison time.

A businessman, facing federal drug trafficking charges, who had fled the country but wanted to return the United States. The Firm worked with representatives from the FBI, ICE and the United States Attorney’s Office to provide safe travel for the client back to the United States. No charges were ever brought against the client and the client was never arrested.

An office manager accused of defrauding the company’s clients. The Firm gained access to government’s case prior to discovery, and then convinced the prosecutors not to charge or arrest their client.

A yachtsman charged with international gun running by the nation of Singapore (where the punishment for gun running is public hanging.) The Firm coordinated with local counsel in Singapore and the yachtsman was released not only without ever being arrested, but the Singapore authorities returned the client his firearms.

A Lebanese professional living in the United States faced extradition to France. The Firm coordinated the client’s defense with local counsel in Paris and the extradition request by France was dismissed.

A college student charged with rape. The Firm completed a forensic investigation into the accusations, including having the client undertake a polygraph examination, and convinced the police that the rape accusation was baseless. The police dropped the investigation.

A marketing and accounting consultant accused of aggravated sodomy and rape. The Firm completed a forensic audit of the social communications between his client and the alleged victim and presented this evidence to the detective in charge of the sex crimes unit, who dismissed the case without arresting the Firm’s client.

A corporate executive accused of burglary and stealing company’s trade secrets. Through forensic investigation, the Firm convinced the prosecution the accusations were baseless and provided evidence that another person within the company was possibly the actual perpetrator. All charges against the client were dismissed prior to trial.

A trucker charged with child molestation. The Firm tried the case and the jury found the client not guilty on all charges.

A businessman indicted with nine counts of felony narcotics possession and distribution. After trial, the jury acquitted the client after only one hour of deliberation, finding the client not guilty on all nine counts in the indictment.

The daughter of a real estate professional charged with aggravated assault and domestic violence. The Firm completed its own forensic investigation and convinced the prosecutor the boyfriend was the true perpetrator. All charges against the client were dismissed.

A medical professional who was under federal investigation for importing hazardous materials into the country. After a meeting with federal investigators, the client was cleared of all wrongdoing.

A business owner charged with sexual battery. After the prosecutor refused to dismiss the case, the Firm tried the case and the client was found not guilty by the jury after deliberations lasting only 20 minutes.

A young man charged with murder. The Firm demonstrated through its forensic investigation that the prosecutor’s case was not winnable and the state prosecutor dismissed all charges before trial.

A young man charged with sale of cocaine and facing double life sentences. At trial, the Firm demonstrated evidence of police misconduct during the investigation, and the prosecutor dismissed all the charges before the jury rendered a verdict.

A foreign national working for a multinational consulting firm charged with child assault in the United States. The Firm convinced the judge the charges were baseless and the judge dismissed the case. The Firm also coordinated and consulted with foreign counsel to help the client with transnational legal issues stemming from the criminal accusation.

A doctor charged with federal insurance and Medicaid fraud. The client accepted responsibility for his conduct, and the judge granted Firm’s request for probation for the client over objections from prosecutor who wanted prison time.

A young professional charged with bank fraud and money laundering in another state. Utilizing Rule 20 of the Federal Criminal Code, the Firm had the client’s case successfully transferred back to his home state and the client received probation and house arrest.

A young man charged with robbery and aggravated assault. After trying the case, the jury acquitted the young man on all the charges.

A young man charged with murder. The Firm was able to demonstrate, through skillful cross-examination of the prosecution’s own witnesses that the alleged victim was actually the attacker, and the jury acquitted the client of murder and aggravated assault.

A young man under investigation for mortgage fraud by manipulating mortgage applications. The Firm convinced the prosecution he was in fact a victim of an interstate mortgage fraud scheme. All charges were dropped and the client was never arrested.

A financial professional charged with homicide by vehicle. The Firm completed its own forensic accident reconstruction and convinced state prosecutors to dismiss the case prior to trial.

A commercial real estate consultant accused of sexual battery during a police sting operation. The Firm completed its own forensic investigation and convinced the prosecutor the allegation was false. The charges were dismissed.

A communications industry executive accused of indecent exposure. The Firm convinced the prosecutor to dismiss the charges due to lack of evidence and the case was ultimately sealed by the court.

An American account executive working for a multinational corporation in the United Kingdom threatened by British authorities with detention and the seizure of his passport. The Firm coordinated with local British counsel for the client and he was released and allowed to return to United States.

A factory worker facing arrest for child molestation charges. The Firm accompanied the client to police headquarters where he made a full denial of the charges and the police dropped the investigation without arresting the client.

A company owner accused of being an active member of a mortgage fraud ring. The Firm was able to work very closely with government to show the mitigating details in the case, which resulted in the client not being charged with anything.

A company owner accused of conspiracy to intentionally inflate the volume of trading in and/or the price of stock, and filing documents with the SEC that were false or misleading. The case was settled without a criminal indictment being lodged.

A professional initially facing charges for identity fraud and credit card fraud. The Firm was able to secure an agreement with the federal government that allowed our client to testify against others higher up in the “ring” and convinced law enforcement not to formally charge the client.

A musician charged with downloading child pornography. The Firm was able to secure a negotiated plea that kept the client off of the sex offender registry, with a plea to a non-sex offense charge.

A high school student facing charges of rape. The Firm completed a forensic investigation into the accusations, including having the client undertake a polygraph examination, and convinced the police that the rape accusation was baseless. Police dropped the investigation with no arrest.

A businessman charged with possession of OxyContin and forgery. The Firm was able to divert the case through drug court, which the client successfully completed. Case dismissed.

A businesswoman charged with prostitution and possession of Ecstasy. The Firm was able to informally divert the case by arguing that rehab was the better place for this client. Case dismissed.

A client with bipolar disorder was charged with cruelty to animals, terroristic threats and aggravated assault. The Firm was able to get the case dismissed by intervening early and explaining the details of what transpired to law enforcement.

The Firm was able to resolve charges for a mom with outstanding warrants in California without forcing her to be extradited back to California.

The Firm represented a CPA who was facing charges of preparing false tax returns. With the federal government’s catch all of “relevant conduct” trying to place the client in a major tax and identity theft ring, they were facing allegations of $5 million in theft for sentencing purposes. The Firm was able to secure a sentence of probation.

The Firm represented a client facing dangerous detox issues in a bond hearing where the judge was absolutely unwilling to grant bond due to the seriousness of the charges. Working diligently and proactively, the Firm was able to argue successfully before the judge that the rehab facility was the best place for the client, not jail. Jails are notorious for having difficulty with meting out proper medical care for clients with various medical issues.

The Firm represented a client who had gone off his mental health medications and as a result got entangled with the criminal justice system. The Firm was not only able to successfully have him released from jail quickly, but was able to convince the jail to give him his necessary medications to get him stabilized.

The Firm successfully represented a physician facing suspension and revocation of his license as part of a Medicaid/Medicare fraud investigation.

Client Reviews
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