Protecting your career: Professional License Defense

In many fields, maintaining a professional license is crucial for career advancement and job security. Physicians, surgeons, nurses, pharmaceutical technicians and other professionals spend years training before becoming licensed and employed. However, allegations of misconduct, incompetence, or violations of professional standards can jeopardize this license and your livelihood. Understanding how to navigate a professional license defense is essential. At Conaway & Strickler, we are experienced in professional license defense and assisting clients with protecting their careers.

If your professional license is under review, you may be facing disciplinary action, suspension, or even revocation of your license. Professionals can face license challenges due to various reasons, including allegations of unethical behavior, negligence, or non-compliance with industry standards. Common grounds for disciplinary action in this context includes the following:

  • Negligence or Malpractice:Claims that a professional has failed to meet the appropriate standard of care.
  • Ethical Violations:Breaches of professional codes of conduct or ethical guidelines.
  • Criminal Charges:Convictions that impact one’s suitability for professional practice. Generally, a criminal charge will almost always bring a professional license under review.
  • Substance Abuse:Issues related to addiction or impairment affecting professional duties. This can arise simply from reports of substance abuse made to the licensing board, or a criminal charge related to substance abuse (DUI, unlawful possession of controlled substances, etc.).
  • Fraud or Misrepresentation:Instances of dishonesty or deceptive practices. Again, this can stem from criminal charges or arise in the context of reports/evidence of fraud or misrepresentation.

The applicable licensing board often initiates the process for disciplinary action once a complaint has been filed. In some circumstances, such as pending criminal charges, it may be mandatory for the professional to self-report to the Board. This varies by state and different professional licenses have different requirements.

Following the initial notification, the Board conducts an investigation to gather evidence and determine if there is a basis for formal charges. It is crucial to respond promptly and thoroughly to any allegations. An experienced attorney can help you gather evidence, prepare statements, and formulate a defense strategy. Sometimes, it may be possible to resolve the matter through negotiation or a settlement, which can mitigate the impact on your license. If the case proceeds to a formal hearing, working closely with an attorney to present a robust defense is essential. This may involve testimony, evidence presentation, and cross-examination.

Hiring a skilled attorney is the best way to protect your career once your professional license has been challenged. At Conaway and Strickler, we have a proven track record in defending professional licenses can provide valuable insights and strategies for your case. Each case is unique, and we offer a personalized approach to understanding the specifics of your situation and providing customized legal solutions.Facing a challenge to your professional license can be a daunting experience, but with the right legal representation, you can navigate the process with confidence. Understanding the procedures, common issues, and having an attorney by your side can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

If you are facing allegations or disciplinary actions affecting your professional license in Georgia, contact our firm today to safeguard your career and future. Our experienced attorneys are here to help you defend your professional license. Schedule a consultation with us to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

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