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Our criminal defense attorneys at Conaway & Strickler, PC know how to help you avoid being arrested or convicted for Firearm Offenses.

The Second Amendment under the Bill of Rights under the United States Constitution states that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.  Recent case law and legislation clearly indicate otherwise.  It is well settled that one cannot have a firearm in court houses, schools, airports and the like.  In District of Columbia v. Heller (554 US 570 (2008)), the court ruled that the Second Amendment is not unlimited, and is not a right to “keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose”.  The court also clarified that many longstanding prohibitions and restrictions on firearms pass constitutional muster.

Please see criminal defense attorney Meg Strickler on Fox news discussing the right to bear arms and the Second Amendment.  She discusses that the right to bear arms is not absolute.  The public housing authority in this situation has a legitimate right in maintaining a safe environment.  She goes on to discuss that if it was a private property owner, they would have even more rights in contracting in their leases special stipulations.  When one rents an apartment, one often negotiates whether to have pets, when to play loud music, how many roomates one can have, etc. It is important in private lease situations to read all stipulations so that one does not sign away the right to bear arms/possess a gun in their own home.

The State of Georgia has passed legislation, effective May 6, 2013 , that makes it illegal to charge a fee to remove booking photographs of exonerated people from websites. Please see

I can’t tell you how many clients have called me and said that prospective employers saw their mugshot on line and declined to hire them or current employers got wind of an arrest and fired them. Or, worse yet, family members, friends, etc have seen their mugshots and even though their cases were ultimately dismissed, the mugshot and accompanying charge lives on forever damaging their reputation. I have several clients that have had mugshots remain on the internet EVEN AFTER PAYING AND having their cases expunged.

I hear this question often.

The problem is that once you are charged with some sort of domestic violence charge, you are now facing charges from the State, not the alleged victim. As a result, your spouse cannot simply “drop the charges” and the case will go away. Even if your spouse chooses not to cooperate with the State and not testify, the State can still proceed with the case. The State can use the alleged victim’s statements made on the day of the incident. The 911 transcripts, photos taken and the statements made by law enforcement that responded to the 911 call can also come in as evidence against you.

There are, however, ways to still combat a domestic violence charge. Feel free to contact us and we can explain what can be done to avoid a conviction.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on March 26,2013 in Florida v. Jardines ( )

that the use of a drug-sniffing dog to investigate the front door of a home was a “search” within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment. Thankfully, the Supreme Court ruled this way – or we’d have police trolling apartment complexes, buildings, public spaces, etc with an army of intrusive sniffing dogs. The justices ruled that having a dog sniffing at one’s door was indeed a search, and thus subject to the limitations of the Fourth Amendment.

Whether a police officer bringing a drug dog to sniff the door to a residence constitutes “trespassing” is an interesting issue brought up in this case. We will see how this court’s ruling will be played out as time progresses. The court found it unnecessary to determine whether the officers violated Jardines’ “reasonable expectation of privacy”, instead they focused on whether the officers’ physical intrusion on the porch established that the search had occurred.

Sexting is the act of sending sexually explicit/inappropriate messages and/or photographs primarily between mobile devices.  The new changes are now codified in Georgia’s laws on sex crimes. The Georgia legislature has officially changed its law on this. The legislature just passed House Bill 156 which changes the law for teens who engage in “sexting”. Before, if a teen was sexting, the teen could have been charged with child pornography under O.C.G.A. 16-12-100. Therefore, if teens sexted before this change in the law, they were prosecuted at the felony level just like any other child pornography law. Under the new law, sexting between teenagers will be classified as a misdemeanor.

Specifically, it is a misdemeanor ONLY if

(1) the individual depicted was over 14 years old at the time the image was created,



Throughout human history, military planners have obsessed over one of the greatest military challenges their nation could face against an enemy: the two front war. That is, where their nation was attacked by enemies on two geographically separate fronts. For criminal defense attorneys and civil lawyers practicing today, it is important for them to keep in mind that their client may face criminal and civil legal battles on two fronts simultaneously. In other words, they and their client may have to fight their own two front war: one concerning civil law and the other concerning criminal law. These two front legal battles are becoming more and more common, as the criminal law and the civil law become more and more intertwined with one another.

On January 28, 2013, the United States Atttorneys Office for the Northern District of Georgia published a “press release” describing how four people were arrested “for operating a Pill Mill”. See

And on February 11, 2013, HB 178 passed a key House committee in Georgia. It aims to put pain management clinics under the regulation of Georgia’s medical board, and that as of June 30th, any new pain clinic would have to be physician owned – a requirement similar to other states.

The federal government has also recently been quoted as saying prescription pain killers are the nation’s number one drug epidemic.

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