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Reality television stars involved in white collar crimes? Reality television has developed a reputation for not being entirely authentic, based on the idea that many of the shows are actually scripted. Regardless of whether or not this perception is true, two reality TV stars are currently dealing with a very real problem: Teresa and Joe Giudice have been charged by federal authorities for several counts of fraud. The “Real Housewives of New Jersey” cast members pled not guilty to all of the charges. Pleading not guilty at arraignment is very normal.  What will happen next is the question.  

Reports from federal court specify that the Giudices were both charged with the white collar crimes of one count of bank fraud and loan application fraud. The charges stem from the accusation that the couple inaccurately reported their monthly income when they were applying for a loan.

Unfortunately, these fraud charges are the latest in a string of legal troubles facing the celebrity couple. In fact, they couple pled not guilty in another criminal case for providing false income and tax information. Additionally, Joe Giudice has been accused of filing false tax returns. The hope is that these legal challenges will not create an unfair bias in the most recent case.

Everyone makes mistakes. That’s just a fact of life. However, some mistakes have more serious consequences than others. One Georgia man is finding this out, as he faces the possibility of spending a year behind bars for an accident that injured his wife.  He needs a good criminal defense attorney.

A 37-year-old man and his wife visited a gas station to refuel their vehicle when an incident occurred. According to reports, the man had a cigarette lighter in hand and was playing with it while he was pumping case. All of a sudden, flames erupted and shot toward the man’s wife who was standing nearby. Surveillance footage shows that the man immediately tried to pull the gas nozzle out of his vehicle. Unfortunately, the woman suffered burn injuries as a result of the incident and the man is now needing a criminal defense attorney. 

In response to the incident, police have pursued criminal charges against the man for reckless conduct, which is a misdemeanor. If the man is convicted, he could spend up to a year in prison and be forced to pay a substantial fine. Reports do not indicate when the trial is expected to move forward.

Sex Crimes cases are always sensitive, because simply being accused of such an offense can tarnish a person’s reputation for a lifetime. However, an ongoing federal trial has escalated this to a new level: A 10-year-old boy is being charged for sex crimes in federal court for incidents that allegedly occurred on a U.S. military base. The way the case is being handled has some criminal law observers concerned.

According to reports, the boy has been accused of making inappropriate contact with boys who were younger than him. Since these acts are said to have occurred on a military base — federal property — prosecutors are pursuing federal sex crimes charges against the child.

In response to federal law enforcement’s action, some are suggesting that criminal court isn’t the proper venue to handle this boy’s case, if the accusations are true. According to a report from the American Civil Liberties Union, children who commit sexual assault are often victims of sexual abuse as well. As such, it may be more appropriate to take rehabilitative action, rather than pursue punishments that will affect this boy for his entire life. It’s reasonable to wonder whether or not the boy even understands what he is accused of doing and the potential legal implications.

It’s common knowledge that law enforcement officials take sex crimes very seriously. Beyond the potential for prison time, those who are convicted for sex crimes are sometimes required to register as sex offenders. Many people may assume that certain charges, such as possession of child pornography or rape, would lead to this requirement, but some states require registration for charges that are seemingly less serious in nature.

In some states, teenagers who have consensual sex with another teenager may be required to register as a sex offender. In fact, one teen was required to add her name to the state’s sex crimes registry because she had consensual sexual relations with a high school classmate who was 15. At the time, she was only 17 years old.

Interestingly enough, Georgia isn’t the only state that requires sex offender registration for this kind of incident. Human Rights Watch reports that 29 states are known to have a similar requirement.

When certain criminal defense cases hit news, all eyes are drawn to the defendant. It’s often the case that news reports can cast individuals as guilty even before they’ve gone on trial. Despite this perception, everyone who is accused of a crime is entitled to presumed innocence when a trial begins, no matter how much attention the case receives.

The Atlanta area has become consumed by allegations that a number of school district officials artificially boosted test scores in order to make it look like students were learning more. In total, 35 district staff members — including teachers and administrators — have been indicted on criminal charges stemming from the supposed scandal.

Not long ago, the first trial against one of the Atlanta school administrators came to a close. Authorities accused the woman of trying to influence one of the people who was set to testify regarding the larger cheating scandal. As a result, she faced corruption-related charges.

Cell phones, potential drug crimes charges and law enforcement – these three things have been all over the news in the past few months.  This past week, a New York Times article revealed that the government has been paying AT&T, through a partnership known as the Hemisphere Project, for a mass amount of phone records dating back to 1987. This project is similar to the NSA’s mass call-tracking program. The Hemisphere project, which until now has been secret, involves large amounts of data mined by the government for calls made, not just by AT&T customers, but if the call went through an AT&T switch, encompassing billions of calls.  This poses serious Fourth Amendment issues.  The government has been allegedly searching all of this data in order to come up with ways to combat criminal activity. If you use a throwaway phone, but also carry another phone that is with a provider – the government can analzye the usage to figure out who is using the throwaway phones and where.  

It will be intesting as time progresses to see how well these intrusive practices hold up in court when we file motions to suppress in drug crimes cases or any criminal case.  But, it will also be interesting to see how long this cozy relationship between corporate america and law enforcement continues.

The DEA has already been using information collected by NSA and Verizon in its drug prosecutions, and were training the agents to “recreate” how they found that data. Since Mr. Snowden revealed what the NSA has been up to, the NSA has revealed its data mining of billions of calls as well.  

A wide variety of factors can influence the outcome of a sex crimes case. However, a verdict may come down to which party presented the most convincing evidence and testimony. Throughout the course of a criminal trial, witnesses who can offer specific insight are often called to testify in order to sway a jury. These individuals are expected to rely on their experience and sound professional judgment to present an accurate interpretation of evidence.

In many cases involving sex crimes, forensic psychologists may testify about the issues involved in a case. Their testimony can play a big role in whether or not an individual is fit to stand trial or what kind of sentence should be handed down if a conviction is reached.

According to a study conducted by researchers at a major university, forensic psychologists may not always be unbiased. In fact, they may present an opinion in court based on who they believe hired them. For instance, if prosecutors bring a psychologist into court, that person may feel inclined to present an especially unflattering portrait of the defendant regardless of whether or not it’s an accurate assessment.

When a person is brought to court on criminal charges, the burden of proof is on the prosecution. In order to reach a conviction, prosecutors must demonstrate a defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Put simply, a person is considered innocent until proven otherwise.

Of course, law enforcement official may push criminal charges and launch an aggressive prosecution, even when there isn’t sufficient evidence. Why would such a serious effort be made in this scenario? This is the exact question some people are likely asking after a Georgia sheriff was cleared of several fraud charges.

According to reports, the sheriff of Clayton County was originally charged with 27 felony counts related to abusing the power of his office. Even before the trial began, the court dropped two of the criminal counts, yet the remaining charges were still quite steep. In the end, the man was absolved of all the charges, as the jury found him not guilty of racketeering, theft, making false statements and other felonies.

Criminal Defense – If you have had no prior convictions, the court at the state level can sentence you under the First Offender Act. Certain violent crimes, serious sex crime offenses and DUI charges are exempted from this Act and you cannot get First Offender treatment for those offenses.  

But, if you are sentenced as a first offender and you successfully complete ALL terms of your sentence, the court will discharge your case without conviction.  You can tell all employers that you have not been convicted of anything.  There are two pitfalls to point out here.  One – most employers do criminal background checks, and while you are on first offender probation, this case will show on your record. Second, if you don’t successfully complete the terms of your sentence, the court can revoke the balance of your probation and revoke your first offender status.  

A good thing that comes with a first offender conviction is that you can retain your right to vote, own or possess lawfully a firearm.  These are rights that you would ordinarily lose if you are convicted of a felony in the state of Georgia.

Defending a drug crimes case may finally get easier.  Attorney General Eric Holder made an announcement yesterday at the American Bar Association annual meeting that federal prosecutors will stop seeking longer mandatory sentences for many non violent drug offenders.  This, allegedly, is part of a new effort to focus on violent crimes and national security.  The federal prison population is bursting at its seams, and as part of the government’s cuts on spending, they are focusing on ways to reduce the prison population.  I am hoping this signifies a significant shift in policy in the war against drugs.  

This new drug crimes policy will allow prosecutors to not put specific drug amounts in their indictments allowing for more leeway in sentencing.  Currently, there is a 5 year mandatory minimum sentence for possession of 28g, or about an ounce, of crack cocaine.  Diverting cases from the prison system to community service and drug treatment programs, to me is a no-brainer.  The Smarter Sentencing Act, introduced August 1, 2013, aims to allow judges greater flexibility in sentencing at the federal level.  I am interested to see if this proposed bill goes anywhere.  It should.

As a criminal defense attorney who practices in both the federal and state level, I can tell you flexibility is key.  Each and every case I have had has unique circumstances that deserve to be heard by the judge.  At the state level, there are already “drug courts” and “mental health courts”.  Both of those are examples of court systems that allow for individualized review of cases.  A blanket, one size fits all approach to the criminal justice system does not work.

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