Assault Allegation Acquittal
Healthcare Fraud Allegations Charges Dropped
Healthcare Fraud Probation
Federal Corruption Charges Probation
Federal Securities Fraud SEC Settlement, No Criminal Charges
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Criminal defense: It’s hard to imagine that filming a movie could be dangerous and deadly for a film crew. However, dangerous instances do happen and many Georgia residents may be aware that a camera assistant was killed after being hit by a train. The Georgia camera assistant was working on a film, “Midnight Rider,” when tragedy struck. Two filmmakers are facing state criminal charges in connection with her death.

The movie that was being filmed was reportedly about a recording artist named Gregg Allman. The crew was in the middle of filming a dream sequence on the railroad tracks when a train careened into the film crew, killing the camera assistant and injuring 7 other crew members. Authorities believe that the filmmakers should be held liable and charged them with criminal trespassing and manslaughter. Since the charges were filed, the defendants turned themselves into the county jail. They are now in need of good criminal defense lawyers.

Within just 30 minutes, the pair was released on $25,000 bonds. Reportedly, the defendants are pleading not guilty; however, if they are convicted of manslaughter, they could face 10 years in prison. No other details surrounding this case have been released.

Criminal defense: In the summer months, there are often many tragic deaths that are reported after parents forget their children in hot cars. This may be true for one case in which a 22-month-old boy was recently discovered by his father, Ross Harris, in a hot car after being left there for several hours. The Georgia father claims that he forgot his son in the car when he went to work and now, he is facing state criminal charges for murder.

A probable cause hearing is expected to be held for prosecutors to state their reasons to charge him with murder. According to reports, the man was supposed to drop his son off at a childcare center, but he forgot and went to work. When he arrived at his place of employment, he went about his usual day, but failed to remember that his infant was in the car where he remained for hours. Prosecutors stated that the man went out to his vehicle around lunch time, where he placed an unknown object, and then left the boy in the vehicle.

Later on, the man drove home from work, and then pulled over at a shopping plaza where he was reportedly observed to be distraught. The boy’s cause of death was from overheating and hyperthermia. In addition, authorities reportedly discovered that the man, along with his wife, previously searched the internet for child heatstroke. Since the formal charges were made, the man has pleaded not guilty and the wife was not charged.

An operation was launched in an effort to track down and arrest those who participate in child sex trafficking. So far, 71 individuals were arrested and charged with a number of sex crimes throughout Georgia. The FBI’s goal is to rescue children who are being exploited and arrest those who are encouraging child prostitution. Although arrests have been made, the defendants have not been convicted of any criminal conduct.

On the national level, authorities rescued 168 victims who were minors and also apprehended 281 alleged pimps. In our own state, 11 minors were reportedly forced into prostitution and exploited through the computer. This particular investigation led to the arrest of 71 people in Georgia who face a variety of charges. Their charges include criminal attempt of child molestation and enticement of a minor.

Other charges include solicitation and prostitution, along with pimping. So far, over 3,000 children have been rescued by authorities. The Innocence Lost National Initiative started back in 2003 and performs these operations across the country. Agencies who are affiliated with the operation are the Department of Justice and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Criminal defense: A 40-year-old man who apparently caused an accident has been criminally charged. The man faces state criminal charges for allegedly being responsible for a crash that took the life of a 29-year-old man on our Georgia roadways. He was charged with vehicular homicide in addition to following too closely to another vehicle.

According to reports, the suspect, who was driving a tractor-trailer, was headed in the westbound direction when a mower was observed straddling the right lane. The driver of a Dodge pickup was unable to pass the mower, which prompted him to come to a stop. The driver of the Dodge 3500 tractor-trailer, who was driving behind the Dodge pickup, slammed into the back of the truck. Both of the vehicles turned over, causing injuries to the driver of the Dodge 3500.

Unfortunately, the other driver reportedly died at the scene. Authorities conducted an initial investigation and determined that the driver of the tractor-trailer was the person responsible. The driver of the trailer was arrested and booked into a county jail, but no bond has been set. A criminal defense attorney will have to file a motion to set bond in the coming days.

Criminal defense: Three Georgia residents are in legal hot water after a shooting that took place recently. One of the three is accused of shooting and killing an off-duty police officer. All three people at the scene are now facing state criminal charges in connection with the incident.

The incident happened outside of a Waffle House where the off-duty police officer, although in full uniform, was acting as security for the restaurant. It is claimed that the three individuals were under the influence, making derogatory racial comments and were not respectful to the officer. Ultimately, the three allegedly caused a commotion, which prompted a request for them to leave the premises. An altercation occurred that continued in the parking lot, and the officer attempted to place the girlfriend of one of the men under arrest.

While the officer was attempting to restrain the girlfriend, he was on the ground, which is reportedly when the woman’s boyfriend shot the officer in the back multiple times. The alleged shooter and his girlfriend were charged with felony murder, and the third individual was charged with disorderly conduct. The girlfriend was also charged with felony obstruction.

Criminal defense: Criminal charges can temporarily obstruct a person’s life, and in the event of a conviction, that obstruction may be much longer in duration. If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges, you should call a criminal defense lawyer right away.

A Georgia teen is facing state criminal charges after he was accused of shooting at several people at a high school. He was charged with aggravated assault.  

According to reports, witnesses overheard the teen say something that indicated that he was going to “mess” something up. Other witnesses reportedly observed a large group of people gathered when the teen reached for his weapon and fired shots. Five people were shot, with four of them being students. Authorities are not sure what the teen’s motives were for the shooting, but they are investigating the incident.

White collar crimes can affect individuals both legally and personally if they are convicted of the charges. Some of the most common infractions for which Georgia prosecutors seek convictions are tax fraud and identity theft. Throughout the years, millions of people have become victims of fraudulent tax filings, which has led to the arrest of suspects involved in tax rings. However, just because someone has been formally charged does not necessarily mean that are automatically guilty.

According to reports, authorities arrested 13 individuals who are accused of being involved with tax fraud and identity theft. Prosecutors believe that two more suspects are involved with the alleged fraud organization, but they have not yet been arrested. Reports indicate that over 50 suspects allegedly stole identities of other individuals for the purpose of filing fraudulent tax returns. The suspects would then reportedly steal the refunds.

Please see this blog on FATCA

Drug charges can have unfortunate consequences for accused individuals, especially in the case of a conviction. However, just because someone has been charged with a crime does not automatically mean they are guilty. A Georgia police officer was recently arrested and now faces drug charges. He was accused of having cocaine and marijuana in his possession.

The county sheriff’s department issued a request to Georgia officials to launch a drug investigation. Reportedly, authorities went out to the suspect’s home to conduct a search. Authorities allegedly discovered controlled substances in his bedroom.

The suspect was arrested and faces a felony charge of violation of oath by a public official and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was also charged with possession of marijuana and possession of cocaine. It is not known if the suspect was granted bond in this case. Other details about the arrest have not been reported.

Federal Crimes: The United States, until recently, left counterfeit issues to the civil arena. If the situation needed to be addressed criminally, the federal government left it up to the states. The Anti-Counterfeiting Act of 1984 was drafted to make it easier to bring criminal charges at the federal level.

In 1994, Congress added counterfeiting under 18-USC §2320 (c)(7)(D) to the list of violations that constitute “specified unlawful activity” under the money laundering statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1956. Thereforce, proceeds allegedly gained from trafficking in counterfeit goods can now form the basis of a money laundering charge. This effectively “beefed up” the government’s ability to prosecute these cases. Penalties for violations of § 1956 and § 1961 are substantially greater than for trafficking in counterfeit goods. A violation of § 1956 carries a maximum sentence of twenty years in prison and a fine of $500,000 or twice the amount involved in the transaction. There is also a civil penalty of up to $10,000 or the value of the funds involved in the transaction, whichever is greater. In 1996, § 1961 was amended to include § 2320 as a RICO “predicate offense”. Once again, this “beefed up” the government’s ability to prosecute these type of cases with much more severe penalties. A violation of RICO carries a maximum penalty that includes twenty years’ imprisonment and a fine of up to “twice the gross profits or other proceeds” of the racketeering activity. 18 U.S.C. § 1963. Long and short of this brief legislative history of counterfeiting laws in the US, is that a case is prosecuted much more punitively than a mere 30 years ago.

Attorney blog: federal crimes, click here

White Collar Crimes: In some cases, bank employees can make mistakes on a customer’s account. Some of these mistakes are minor and easily corrected while others can prove costly. A bank employee reportedly made an error by depositing $31,000 into a customer’s account. Now, a Georgia man has been arrested for bank fraud.

According to reports, a bank teller accidentally deposited $31,000 into a man’s account. This may have been a case of mistaken identity since the funds that were deposited were for another bank customer with the same name. However, the man did not make the bank aware of this and allegedly withdrew almost $25,000 in multiple ATM withdrawals. He made a series of purchases, including fast food restaurant and grocery charges thus escalating the case and being charged with a number of white collar crimes. For more discussion on this, see this entry.

He also reportedly made a purchase at a car dealership. The bank eventually discovered the mistake and made contact with the man for payment arrangements. However, when he was unable to repay the bank, he was arrested. His bond amount, if any, is dependent upon his upcoming bond hearing.

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