Unexpected things can happen during a raid by law enforcement. Many times when the police are investigating one crime, they unintentionally find evidence of another crime instead. This seems to have been what what happened in a recent incident in which law enforcement were looking for a murder suspect. Instead, they ended up arresting two individuals on drug charges in Georgia.
The incident happened when U.S. Marshals were attempting to find a murder suspect. However, the authorities ended up making another major find instead. Apparently, while searching for the murder suspect at a residence, the marshals found illegal drugs, as well as drug paraphernalia. This resulted in the arrest of two men on drug charges.
The man for whom the marshals were originally looking is wanted for a murder committed in 2014. The authorities have still yet to find the man for whom they were originally looking, according to the latest reports released to the public. Therefore, the search is likely to continue for the murder suspect.