Criminal Defense: There are times when Georgia law enforcement agents are accused of illegal activities within their scopes of employment. In a recent incident, a police chief and an officer are facing state criminal charges, accused of violating their oaths of public office. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation recently released information regarding the matter.
Apparently, the 58-year-old police chief from the City of White and a 26-year-old officer were arrested on suspicion of making wrongful imprisonments. The two are also accused of reducing charges in a citation in order to collect fines. The alleged illegal activity reportedly took place between 2011 and 2015.
One woman is said to have been instructed to accept a disorderly conduct citation and pay $1,000 fine rather than face state felony charges. Another woman claims to have had a similar experience. They say they were arrested for crimes they did not commit, and then they were instructed to pay substantial fines in order to obtain a reduction of the charges against them.