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Being accused of a federal offense in Georgia or elsewhere certainly causes immediate and potentially long-lasting changes in one’s life. Depending on the length of an investigation and the various proceedings and meetings required as the case makes its way through the legal system, persons charged with federal crimes may spend quite a bit of time in court. Many people facing such charges choose to rely on experienced criminal defense attorneys to guide them through the process.

A recent case involved what federal authorities have identified as an apparent “food stamp trafficking” scheme. There seems to be a black market that involves buying food stamps and paying cash back to the seller on the dollar. Federal agents say that in the process of their investigation, they seized hundreds of thousands in cash, as well as a man’s home and a store he owned.

The 49-year-old man reportedly ran the fraud scheme by paying 60 cents on every dollar in food stamps that customers would sell to him. He is said to have profited around $6 million over a period of time. The man was recently tried and convicted in a federal court. 

Criminal Defense: There are times when Georgia law enforcement agents are accused of illegal activities within their scopes of employment. In a recent incident, a police chief and an officer are facing state criminal charges, accused of violating their oaths of public office. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation recently released information regarding the matter.

Apparently, the 58-year-old police chief from the City of White and a 26-year-old officer were arrested on suspicion of making wrongful imprisonments. The two are also accused of reducing charges in a citation in order to collect fines. The alleged illegal activity reportedly took place between 2011 and 2015.

One woman is said to have been instructed to accept a disorderly conduct citation and pay $1,000 fine rather than face state felony charges. Another woman claims to have had a similar experience. They say they were arrested for crimes they did not commit, and then they were instructed to pay substantial fines in order to obtain a reduction of the charges against them.

It is no secret that alleged drug crimes are aggressively prosecuted at both state and federal levels in Georgia. Many incidents involve law enforcement agents searching a person’s private residence or vehicle. Being present in a location where drugs are found does not constitute grounds for a possessions charge. Anyone facing such drug charges is advised to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney so that an investigation can be conducted to determine whether specific charges are appropriate to the situation.

At Conaway & Strickler, P.C., we are committed to representing those charged with simple or serious drug offenses throughout the state. We understand that many people end up in jail for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We are prepared to challenge the legality of the search and seizure process, as well as determine whether any of your personal rights have been violated during an arrest.

Police officers are accountable for their actions. Our legal team can help you make certain that an officer had reasonable cause to pull you over in a traffic stop. Further, if a search of your vehicle was performed, we can ascertain whether those who conducted the search acted with appropriate authority.

Traffic accidents often lead to police investigations. Many times, the investigations are intended to identify causal factors in a collision, as well as who may or may not have been responsible for the crash. When citations are issued against a driver in Georgia, or criminal  charges filed, the person accused may increase chances of a positive outcome by retaining legal assistance to build a strong criminal defense.

An accident that some have characterized as bizarre occurred in January. A 36-year-old woman has already been cited by a Georgia patrolman for the incident. A criminal investigation regarding other aspects of the crash remains ongoing at this time.

Apparently, the woman had been driving along the road while a man outside the vehicle was hanging on to the trunk of her car. Authorities say that she failed to remain in the proper lane. The driver is said to have overcorrected her steering, causing the man to lose his grip on the trunk and propelling him into a nearby fence. Moments later, another vehicle is said to have smashed into the woman’s car, and several people reportedly suffered injuries in the crash.

Drug Charges: Georgia law enforcement agents often make arrests under suspicion of illicit substance-related activity. However, merely being accused of drug crimes does not mean that those involved will be convicted. Defendants may challenge various aspects of their arrests and often increase their chances of obtaining positive outcomes when they retain experienced legal representation to act on their behalves in court.

In Washington County, a recent incident took place that resulted in four people now facing drug charges. A police task force apparently searched a home and claimed to have found various drug-related items on the premises. Two women and one man, each 40 years of age, and another 32-year-old woman, were arrested. Various charges filed in connection with the recent home search include both misdemeanor and felony infractions.

Authorities have stated that they are awaiting results from tests conducted at a crime lab to determine whether they will be filing further charges in this case. One of those arrested allegedly has an outstanding warrant from another county, as well. Current charges faced by the various people accused in the recent incident include unlawful maintenance of a structure, possession with intent to distribute a drug and unauthorized distribution.

Extradition is defined as the surrender of a person by a State to another State for prosecution or punishment.  States usually will work with one another to extradite individuals facing serious charges.  For example, if a person is facing a murder arrest warrant in NY and is arrested in Georgia for an unrelated charge, then NY will request GA to extradite that individual to face the charges in NY.  An attorney in GA can help the client decide whether or not to fight extradition and a lawyer in NY can help the client face the murder charges.  Conaway & Strickler, PC, fortunately, is licensed to practice in both NY and GA and would be able to advise the client on both ends.  

Internationally, extradition is essentially the same thing.  The Northern District of Georgia can issue a warrant for an individual and if that person is picked up in another country where there exists an extradition treaty, then the US government can request extradition of that individual to face charges in the US court.  It is important to note that not only is an extradition treaty required with the foreign country, but it must only be for certain offenses.  For example, if a country doesn’t believe in the death penalty, it will deny the extradition request from the US if the US is seeking an individual facing a capital offense.  

Both Meg Strickler and Dan Conaway have spoken extensively about Interpol Red Notices and Domestic Extradition.  Ms. Strickler was also recently cited concerning fugitive banker, David Drumm.

Persons numbering in the double digits were apparently involved in recent arrests made in connection with suspected illicit online activities. Three of the accused pleaded guilty on a recent Wednesday for the alleged sex crimes. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation and other authorities arrested 22 individuals in May resulting from a child sex sting operation.

Authorities say that agents posed as underage girls online, attempting to gain contact with adults who might want to engage in sexual interactions with minors. Investigators are said to have created their own online pages, and also commented on the pages of others in order to establish a connection with the potential suspects. The respective ages of the three who were recently convicted and sentenced were 25, 41 and 52. 

Among those convicted were a truck driver, the owner of a restaurant and a former jailer for the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office. Each of them was sentenced to eights years in prison, followed by probation. Reportedly, the majority of the accused individuals have no prior criminal record. 

White Collar Crimes: Sometimes, a person who has been arrested in Georgia questions whether law enforcement agents have acted in adherence to the strict regulations and protocol that govern the process. Especially in situations involving suspected fraud crimes where a search and seizure has taken place, or when a defendant believes that a mishandling of evidence or inappropriate processing of an arrest has occurred, a person accused may want to retain the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney to review the situation. There have been incidents where the court has dismissed a case or ruled certain proposed evidence inadmissible when it has been determined that a defendant’s rights were violated in some way.

At Conaway & Strickler, P.C., our successful record speaks for itself concerning our commitment to helping you protect and exercise your rights. Our experienced attorneys are prepared to present an aggressive defense in light of any fraud charges you may face. Knowing that your personal and professional reputation may be in jeopardy, we are dedicated to conducting a thorough investigation into the details of your arrest in order to craft a strong defense strategy on your behalf.

We have more than 20 years of experience defending clients in both state and federal courts especially clients charged with white collar crimes. Being accused of intentionally deceiving another person for personal financial gain is a serious matter that could result in severe penalties if a conviction is handed down. Having a seasoned criminal defense attorney on your side as you face charges may be crucial toward obtaining a favorable outcome in court.

When formally accused of illicit drug activity in Georgia, it is advisable to seek legal guidance in the matter. Challenging search and seizure procedures is often effective when defending yourself against drug charges in court. An experienced criminal defense attorney is sometimes able to establish the fact that a violation of personal rights has taken place during or in the aftermath of an arrest.

At Conaway & Strickler, P.C., our legal team’s clear understanding of the law allows us to thoroughly investigate the details of an individual case in order to determine whether law enforcement agents have acted under proper authorization when searching a vehicle or seizing alleged drug paraphernalia during an arrest. In situations in which officers are found to have violated a defendant’s rights, the court is sometimes required to discard the supposed evidence. This may lead to a dismissal of a case.

In addition to search and seizure protocol, it is also important for an attorney to make certain that law enforcement acted lawfully while questioning the accused. Obtaining information through coercion, threats or bribery is illegal. Statements made under duress should be suppressed by the court.

Sex Crimes: There are times in each person’s life when one finds oneself in a less than ideal predicament. Many times this may involve the police, which could mean one will be facing serious legal problems. This is what two men in Georgia now face after recently being arrested for a variety of charges, including statutory rape.

The two men found themselves in a high-speed chase with police one evening in mid-November. It turns out the two suspects had a runaway juvenile with them at the time. The incident started when authorities had learned the runaway girl was traveling with the suspects along the highway. The chase eventually ended with a shootout with police.

Apparently, the two men and the runaway girl decided to ditch the vehicle they were traveling in and attempted to run away from police officers on foot. However, one man was caught by authorities while the girl was shocked by police using a Taser. The other suspect was shot by police officers and was then transported to a local medical facility for treatment.

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