Being accused of a federal offense in Georgia or elsewhere certainly causes immediate and potentially long-lasting changes in one’s life. Depending on the length of an investigation and the various proceedings and meetings required as the case makes its way through the legal system, persons charged with federal crimes may spend quite a bit of time in court. Many people facing such charges choose to rely on experienced criminal defense attorneys to guide them through the process.
A recent case involved what federal authorities have identified as an apparent “food stamp trafficking” scheme. There seems to be a black market that involves buying food stamps and paying cash back to the seller on the dollar. Federal agents say that in the process of their investigation, they seized hundreds of thousands in cash, as well as a man’s home and a store he owned.
The 49-year-old man reportedly ran the fraud scheme by paying 60 cents on every dollar in food stamps that customers would sell to him. He is said to have profited around $6 million over a period of time. The man was recently tried and convicted in a federal court.