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There are many situations in which Georgia authorities combine their efforts with outside law enforcement agencies to conduct sting operations and investigations into suspected large-scale crime rings. Such endeavors often lead to drug charges or other formal accusations, depending on the circumstances. A recent task force operation set up for the purpose of investigating a child pornography issue has culminated with many warrants being issued and arrests being made in two states.

A task force for internet crimes against children in Georgia teamed up with authorities in a neighboring state to conduct an investigation that lasted at least three months. It reportedly took two full days to issue all the warrants and make arrests in both states. Approximately 54 warrants were served during the process.

All told, more than 160 digital devices were examined, and more than 730 electronic devices seized as evidence in the sting. Various arrests included charges related to second-degree unlawful possession of marijuana and other drug charges. Other individuals were taken into custody and charged for possession of child pornography. The investigation was known as Operation Southern Impact.

Criminal Defense: The use of experts is an important decision in the defense of a criminal case.  If the government, for example, has chosen to bring an expert on as part of their case, it may be an absolute necessity to obtain an expert on the defense side to refute the various statements made by the government’s expert.  The use of experts by the defense can also be quite helpful in the pre indictment discussions with government.  

Criminal defense attorney Meg Strickler has been commenting on the Ross Harris hot car death trial on various media outlets.  In this case, the defense put on an expert as part of their case.  Experts are often called upon by the government and the defense.  In the Ross Harris case, the defense called a “memory” expert to try and explain away the fact that Ross Harris allegedly “forgot” his child in the back seat of his car and the child died.  The defense alleged that this was all a tragic accident as opposed to something reckless or maliciously done by the defendant.  The cross examination, however, brought down any effectiveness that may have occured.  And the cross of this expert is now going to be a classic “how to” for future lawyers to dismantle anything the expert has stated on direct.  Please see my commentary here.   Criminal defense attorneys like Dan Conaway and Meg Strickler will work to obtain the best expert(s) in your case and use it in trial as applicable.  But, also, Conaway & Strickler will also know, through years of trial experience, when to use experts and when not to utilize them.  

For additional blogs, please see here.

Sex crimes: Serving one’s community in the capacity of a city council member is considered by many to be a worthwhile endeavor. Being accused of criminal wrongdoing while serving on a council, however, may not only ruin a person’s reputation but also cause immediate and long-lasting consequences, even before the court addresses the situation. A 53-year-old man in Georgia is facing such charges for alleged sex crimes he committed with a teenage girl.

The council member is suspected of having had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl. Authorities claim the relationship has been ongoing since the girl was age 13. Her mother is said to have reported the relationship between her daughter and the man to police.

For additional blogs, click here.

The need for skilled and experienced criminal defense assistance is widespread in Georgia and surrounding regions. There are many reasons a person might retain a criminal lawyer. The situation may have something to do with drug charges, weapons violations, suspected driving driving or other issues.

With regard to being accused of illegal drug activity in the state, there have been many situations where persons accused are later found innocent. Many people have dealt with circumstances where they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, thus leading to incidents whereby they were mistakenly incriminated. Others have enlisted the help of experienced investigators to determine that their personal rights were actually violated during searches and seizures or arrest processes.

For additional blog entries, please see here.

Drug Charges: Whether one should answer questions asked by authorities regarding suspected criminal activity is a choice many people in Georgia have had to make. Especially with regard to federal criminal charges, it can be very scary to face investigators and answer questions concerning particular situations. Many defendants choose not to speak on their own behalves; rather, they enlist the assistance of criminal defense attorneys to do their talking for them.

Sometimes, after someone has been arrested and charged with a crime or drug charges, authorities might approach that person, asking for help to further their investigation. This appears to be the case in another state where a man and woman have been arrested and held in jail on suspicion of selling carfentanil, a drug 10,000 times stronger than morphine. Police say they are are hoping the couple will give them information that can lead them to others who may be involved in drug distribution in the area.

When drug-related charges are tried at the federal level, a defendant may face up to life in prison if convicted for certain crimes. Even under a lighter sentence, a person’s entire life may be turned upside down if a criminal trial does not end in his or her favor. This is one of many reasons it is often helpful to secure experienced legal guidance before facing charges in court.

Drug Charges: Georgia police often conduct extended investigations when they suspect one or more parties of illicit drug activities. A recent bust occurred after a long surveillance of a Georgia couple. Officers say that in addition to possible heroin, they found some other items as well, including one that came as a surprise.

Officers claim the 58-year-old woman and her 64-year-old husband were in possession of a stolen gun and prescription pills. They also said they found two dogs and a monkey inside the married couple’s home. The spouses were arrested for drug charges and their dogs were placed with a local animal control department.

As for the monkey, reports indicate it was released to the care of a family member. The couple now faces multiple felony drug charges, and they were also charged with receiving stolen goods. Police say they had been closely watching the couple for approximately five years before the recent raid and subsequent arrests took place.

A martial arts instructor in Georgia has been accused of sex crimes. The child molestation allegations have apparently pitted members of the community against one another. Some have rallied around him in defense of his good character and presumed innocence, while others have stated they believe the accusations are true.

The man has reportedly been teaching Taekwondo for at least 30 years. The recent allegations involve claims that he acted inappropriately with a 15-year-old boy at his apartment. The martial arts instructor stated he was merely practicing a particular self-defense move and that absolutely no crime took place.

After word of the recent accusations spread throughout the man’s community, another supposed allegation surfaced. This situation involved a woman who said the same instructor did something inappropriate to her when he was in his twenties and she was his martial arts student. The instructor is currently age 59.

Ryan Lochte has been front and center in the news this past week, and not for his achievements at the Rio Olympics. Unfortunately, he has learned that social media and statements made exaggerating what occurred has made things quite complicated for Mr. Lochte. Speedo has ended their almost decade long relationship and Mr. Lochte has lost other endorsement deals over what occurred, and its aftermath.

Mr. Lochte has hopefully learned that less is more when it comes to a multitude of things. First, it does appears that perhaps less celebrating that evening would have helped his woes. One witness has been quoted as saying he was “altered”. Second, stating what happened in simple terms with zero embellishing would have drastically improved the situation. Going on social media and talking it about it with Matt Lauer were not good choices. Social media can be very dangerous in cases where criminal charges are contemplated. Less is more should be a mantra that all of us should follow when it comes to public statements which is what social media basically is.

But the biggest question is whether Lochte will be extradited back to Brazil for any of the alleged crimes that may have occured there. If an indivdual is accused of committing a crime in another country, the country where the crime was committed may have a right to require the accused to return back for prosecution. There is an extradition treaty between the United States and Brazil. If there was no treaty in place, then the US would not need to address the issue at all.

Drug charges: An incident occurred in Georgia on a recent Thursday that ultimately led to three people being arrested. Apparently, the events unfolded at a checkpoint on the road set up by local law enforcement agents. Authorities say the check station was arranged to check commercial vehicles and to screen motorists for drunk driving and other related impairments. Accusations of drug possession, including LSD, were later made against several occupants of a car.

At some point, an officer stopped a particular car on suspicion that the driver was impaired in some way. It was allegedly later determined that the person behind the wheel was acting under the influence of drugs. The officer reportedly conducted a search of the vehicle.

A narcotics unit was apparently called in to help address the situation. Authorities later announced that they had found substantial amounts of illegal drugs in the car that was searched. In fact, officials say it was the largest hallucinogen drug bust in the county’s history. The officer claims to have had probable cause to search the vehicle, an allegation that may be contested in the coming criminal court proceedings.

Georgia state apparently had arrest warrants issued for two persons who happen to be married to each other. An incident recently occurred that led to accusations against the husband for property damage and other offenses. The encounter reportedly resulted in both husband and wife being placed under arrest and in need of criminal defense.

Allegedly, the spouses, both of whom are age 43, had decided to go for a swim without wearing any clothing. Another woman, age 40, appears to have contacted local law enforcement, saying that she and her friend had become engaged in a dispute with the man at a boating dock. She said she had asked the man if the floating device he was using belonged to him. At that point, she claims the man brandished a knife.

The woman said the man became irate and punched her friend. It seems she and her friend then tried to flee the area in their vehicle; while doing so, she says the belligerent man broke the rear window of the car. Eventually, police arrested the couple after finding them swimming naked in the water. The woman is said to have gone peacefully with the officers, but the man allegedly grew more and more violent as time went on, even threatening the lives of the police officers.

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