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Healthcare Fraud Probation
Federal Corruption Charges Probation
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People who grow marijuana plants in Georgia and in other locations around the country typically try very hard to keep their growing operations concealed. However, sometimes, the growing operations are discovered, leading to serious legal situations for those involved. Recently, an indoor marijuana operation was reportedly discovered in a Gainesville residence. Nine individuals were arrested and now face a variety of drug charges.

An officer from the Hall County Multi-Agency Narcotics Squad reported that over 500 marijuana plants were discovered in the home’s basement. The area had been turned into a greenhouse, according to officials. Evidently, this home was only one part of a larger operation in the northeast Georgia area. Police indicated that five additional houses had been searched as part of the investigation.

Searches of the homes purportedly revealed more than 1,500 marijuana plants and over 300 pounds of the substance, valued over $7.1 million. Police had received a tip in September regarding a suspected indoor growing location. The ensuing investigation led to the discovery of the supposed network of houses in the operation.

Many Georgia residents and others around the nation seek the treatment of chiropractors for relief of back pain and other spinal issues. Much of this chiropractic treatment is covered by the patients’ medical insurance. Recently, two Georgia chiropractors were charged in federal court with conspiracy and insurance fraud after allegedly submitting false claims to providers.

A 38-year-old man and a 50-year-old woman have practiced at a chiropractic clinic in Marietta for the past three years, according to reports. They purportedly filed claims to private health insurance companies for procedures that were never conducted. The allegations have come following investigations by the FBI and the IRS Criminal Investigation unit. Also involved in the case were the Georgia Office of Commissioner of Insurance and the Atlanta Police Department.

The two chiropractors are accused of using personal information from their clients. They supposedly submitted this information in claims to insurance companies for services that were never performed. According to the reports, there were occasions where the patients that were supposedly being treated were out of the country at the time of the service.

Any type of crime is serious, and even non-violent crimes may carry heavy penalties. If you face white collar crime charges, you do not want to take it lightly.

Having an understanding of the process for such charges may assist you with figuring out how to properly fight them. There are a few key factors that you should know about white collar crime.


There is a common saying that “money makes the world go around.” As such, people take financial offenses quite seriously. If you face fraud charges, you may encounter strict penalties.

One of the first steps in being able to properly defend yourself against bank fraud charges is to educate yourself. There are a few key things you should know about such cases.

Defining Bank Fraud

Law enforcement agencies at all levels often work together in Georgia and other states across the country to keep communities safe. Often, the partnerships are drug task forces or initiatives aimed at keeping drugs off neighborhood streets. When a suspected drug operation is discovered, those allegedly involved find themselves facing potential charges for drug crimes. Recently, five men were arrested following an investigation by a multi-level group.

The Appalachian Regional Drug Enforcement Office reported that 15 kilograms of meth were discovered when two men had been questioned at a traffic stop. Upon this discovery, a search warrant was executed at a residence in Dahlonega. Evidently, several grams of cocaine and over $150,000 in cash were found during the search. A man who initially ran away from the home was later arrested after being located with a gun.

According to reports, officials then raided a Union County lab utilized to convert liquid methamphetamine to a crystal form. In the lab, 15 more kilograms of meth were found, in addition to another handgun. Around 300 pounds of waste containing meth oil were processed by the police.

Many Georgia residents and others around the county have a good working relationship with their insurance agents. The agents frequently understand the needs of their clients and offer products and services specifically tailored to their situation. Recently, however, two individuals were accused of committing insurance fraud, following an investigation by state authorities.

The state insurance commissioner reported that a 34-year-old woman and her 48-year-old husband were arrested in their home. Purportedly, information from the man’s previous client base was used by the couple. The information was used without the former clients’ knowledge. With the information, the couple allegedly stole over $11,000 in commission fees. Officials believe that the total amount taken could rise over $100,000.

The woman faces charges of insurance fraud, exploitation of an elder, forgery and identify fraud. The man was charged with insurance fraud and exploitation of an elder. According to officials, the company remains in the Troup County jail.

Various law enforcement agencies routinely work together in Georgia and elsewhere around the country. This is particularly common when suspicions of drug crimes are involved. Agencies at the local level may join forces with regional, state or even federal agencies to investigate drug operations. A recent arrest was made following an investigation by the Flint Circuit Drug Task Force.

The task force apparently received a tip from the Drug Enforcement Administration that there was alleged drug activity at a home in Henry County. The county’s magistrate court issued a search warrant for the residence. During the search, officers reportedly found around 1,250 pounds of marijuana. The man was arrested, but has not been identified by police. The marijuana that was seized was valued between $1 million and $1.25 million, according to officials.

For this investigation, information that led to the arrest came from a federal agency. However, local officers stated that many tips come to them on their Facebook page or a hotline number. The local task force is made up of officers from the Henry County Sheriff’s Office as well as the McDonough, Hampton, Locust Grove and Henry County Police Departments.

Two Georgia men have been named in a recent so-called public corruption probe. The men face numerous charges for federal crimes related to technology sales to a county school system in 2012. The county school system receives federal funding, thus the men’s actions in question are considered to be federal offenses.

According to court records, an industry recruiter supposedly contacted a Bibb County school superintendent. The recruiter allegedly offered the former superintendent money to ensure his support of a local neighborhood program. Records show that the superintendent accepted the offer of money and indicated that he would support the program in question.

The former superintendent allegedly received numerous payments. However, the payments were apparently not reported on the man’s income tax returns. In addition, he supposedly reported deduction and business losses on his tax form that did not occur. The man has apparently agreed to work with authorities in a plea agreement.

A Governor’s Task Force on Drug Suppression in the state of Georgia recently gathered information on the manufacture and cultivation of marijuana. The goal of the task force, which was assisted by several local agencies, is to eliminate domestic marijuana in the state. As a result of the operation, three areas where marijuana was being grown were identified in Rabun and Habersham Counties. Three Georgia men face drug charges in conjunction with the discovery.

The Rabun County Sheriff’s Office, the Habersham County Sheriff’s Office and the Appalachian Regional Drug Enforcement Office worked with the task force on the arrests. A 38-year-old man was charged with manufacturing marijuana, possession of methamphetamine and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime after marijuana was allegedly discovered growing inside and outside his residence. The man is wanted for the charges after he reportedly fled from his home.

Officials purportedly also discovered marijuana plants at the home of a 26-year-old Clarkesville man. He was arrested for manufacturing marijuana in Habersham County, then transported to a detention center. In Rabun County, a 57-year-old man was arrested for manufacturing marijuana when police found plants at his home. He was taken to the Rabun County Detention Center. The marijuana seized by the task force was valued at $53,000.

Georgia residents and others around the nation go to healthcare providers for medical needs. In many cases, the process is standard: services are provided to a patient, paperwork is filed by the facility, then providers receive payment from insurance companies for the services. However, insurance fraud can occur when claims are filed for ineligible services or for those not actually provided. Three medical personnel from Georgia were among a large number of people recently accused of health care fraud.

According to the country’s Department of Health and Human Services, 412 people were charged with fraud in a federal investigation. Officials state that approximately $1.3 billion in fraudulent billing was allegedly discovered. In Georgia, almost $1.5 million in fraudulent claims were filed.

The indictment states that the owner and operator of the Georgia Center for Health, Wellness and Recover, a licensed psychologist in DeKalb County, submitted the claims to Medicaid. Reportedly, another worker at the clinic was also accused of similar charges. The facility provides mental health and substance rehab services. Another person from South Georgia was apparently involved in the case. However, no details were available about them.

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