
Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyers Blog


Criminal Defense:GA man faces criminal charge for accidental fire

Everyone makes mistakes. That’s just a fact of life. However, some mistakes have more serious consequences than others. One Georgia man is finding this out, as he faces the possibility of spending a year behind bars for an accident that injured his wife.  He needs a good criminal defense attorney.…


Sex Crimes Charges by Federal prosecutors against 10 year old

Sex Crimes cases are always sensitive, because simply being accused of such an offense can tarnish a person’s reputation for a lifetime. However, an ongoing federal trial has escalated this to a new level: A 10-year-old boy is being charged for sex crimes in federal court for incidents that allegedly occurred…


What kind of sex crimes charges lead to sex offender registration

It’s common knowledge that law enforcement officials take sex crimes very seriously. Beyond the potential for prison time, those who are convicted for sex crimes are sometimes required to register as sex offenders. Many people may assume that certain charges, such as possession of child pornography or rape, would lead to…


Criminal Defense News – Atlanta school administrator cleared

When certain criminal defense cases hit news, all eyes are drawn to the defendant. It’s often the case that news reports can cast individuals as guilty even before they’ve gone on trial. Despite this perception, everyone who is accused of a crime is entitled to presumed innocence when a trial…


Sex Crimes – Study brings accuracy of state expert testimony into question

A wide variety of factors can influence the outcome of a sex crimes case. However, a verdict may come down to which party presented the most convincing evidence and testimony. Throughout the course of a criminal trial, witnesses who can offer specific insight are often called to testify in order…


Georgia sheriff acquitted of 27 criminal counts

When a person is brought to court on criminal charges, the burden of proof is on the prosecution. In order to reach a conviction, prosecutors must demonstrate a defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Put simply, a person is considered innocent until proven otherwise. Of course, law enforcement official may…


Drug Crimes Sentencing Reforms

Defending a drug crimes case may finally get easier.  Attorney General Eric Holder made an announcement yesterday at the American Bar Association annual meeting that federal prosecutors will stop seeking longer mandatory sentences for many non violent drug offenders.  This, allegedly, is part of a new effort to focus on violent crimes…

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