Unexpected things can happen during a raid by law enforcement. Many times when the police are investigating one crime, they unintentionally find evidence of another crime instead. This seems to have been what what happened in a recent incident in which law enforcement were looking for a murder suspect. Instead,…
Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyers Blog
Student could need criminal defense attorney for art project
Terrorism is a serious threat to the safety and security of people around the world. There is no denying the fact that there are those who would go to virtually any lengths to cause death and destruction, which has led lawmakers and law enforcement agencies to approach threats to public…
Proposed bill could have criminal defense applications
Readers may be aware of recently proposed legislation that has sparked debate concerning the use of police license plate readers. These devices are able to scan and record images of license plates, giving law enforcement the chance to locate individuals who have active arrest warrants or are otherwise being sought…
4 individuals face drug charges after bust in Georgia
Illegal drugs can be detrimental to a person’s health and personal life. They can also cause serious legal problems. This is particularly true for selling and distributing illegal drugs. Four individuals were recently arrested on drug charges in Georgia. The drug bust happened in early January after police officers purportedly…
Criminal Defense “Arrested” author cited in elite book review
Criminal Defense: Alan Caruba, a member of the National Book Critics Circle, has included “Arrested, Battling America’s Criminal Justice System ($19.95 Bascom Hill Publishing Group, softcover) by Dan Conaway in his Picks of the Month post for January on his blog, Bookviews. You can find the post here. Arrested: Battling…
Drug Charges:Cops claim Georgia teacher let teens smoke marijuana
Drug Charges: Most teachers are committed to the well-being of their students. In fact, many put in extra hours to help tutor their students to help them be successful in school. However, police claim that a social studies teacher in Georgia was actually allowing teenagers to come to her house…
Accused of tax fraud? Don’t let federal prosecutors bully you
There is a significant distinction between state and federal charges, but for many people in Georgia, there may be a significant amount of confusion between the two. Before a person accused of any crime can proceed, understanding the differences between these two types of charges can be crucial to a…
Criminal Defense:Investment Fraud and Willful Blindness Doctrine
Criminal Defense: U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain sentenced Bernie Madoff’s assistant, Annette Bongiorno, 67, to six years in prison – a lenient sentence far less than recommended by the federal sentencing guidelines. During sentencing, Judge Taylor told Ms. Bongiorno that she had “willfully blinded herself,” and “chose Madoff’s…
Police arrest 8 individuals on drug charges in Georgia
Marijuana can come in various forms. One new form of marijuana, known as “ear wax,” is becoming more common in some parts of Georgia. However, no matter what form of the drug one is in possession of, it is still against the law. Eight individuals found this out after they…
Ferguson and Zero Tolerance
Zero Tolerance: A grand jury on Monday declined to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of 18 year old Michael Brown. It took months for the grand jury to contemplate this decision. It took St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert P. McCulloch too long to actually announce the decision.…