Federal Crimes: Being tried in a federal court in Georgia is an obviously serious matter. The thought of facing federal criminal charges can be quite worrisome and stressful for those involved. There are several steps a person can take, however, to help alleviate stress and prepare a thorough defense. Even…
Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyers Blog
Sex Crimes: Georgia Tech staff member accused of sex crimes
A supervisor who was apparently working for Georgia Institute of Technology is now facing criminal charges related to illicit sexual behavior. The man is accused of sex crimes in connection with two supposed incidents that are said to have taken place in a student dormitory. The 52-year-old man was arrested…
Drug charges filed against 3 men in Georgia
Drug charges have been filed against three men in Georgia. The felony drug charges involving drug possession were filed after police reported that they discovered amphetamines and oxycodone in a vehicle occupied by the men. The incident took place on a recent Monday. According to authorities, a 50-year-old man was…
Mayor in Georgia indicted for sex crimes against a child
Various incidents have occurred in Georgia in recent years that involve inappropriate sex acts against children. One recent case has apparently led to a Southwest mayor being indicted on charges of sex crimes. The 26-year-old mayor was reportedly elected to his position in 2012. The politician now faces several serious…
Federal crimes typically prosecuted aggressively in Georgia
When federal agents storm a private residence, it is usually for serious reasons. In Georgia and elsewhere, federal crimes are typically prosecuted in a very aggressive manner. Therefore, any person who becomes suspect in a federal investigation, or charged with a crime, will want to prepare as strong a defense…
Georgia police search leads to drug charges for four people
Some in Georgia may be facing legal challenges associated with charges of criminal activities that include alleged drug activity. Being arrested on drug charges is a serious matter. Often, a person stands to lose much if convicted, including time with family, a job and his or her good standing within…
False Claims Act – How to Defend Against the Government
False Claims Act – Has the state or federal government reached out to your professional office alleging violations of the False Claims Act? Call Conaway & Strickler, PC as soon as possible if so. It is imperative to have help at the first indication that the government is looking into…
Drug Charges: Investigation results in illegal charges in Georgia
Many drug charges investigations last for months before any arrests are made. Those in Georgia who become aware that they are subjects in formal criminal investigations can seek immediate assistance from experienced criminal defense attorneys. They do not have to wait to see if the investigation results in charges regarding…
Criminal Defense: Accolades for Dan Conaway and Meg Strickler
Criminal Defense: Dan Conaway, author of Arrested, Battling America’s Criminal Justice System was recently awarded yet another 5 star review for his book. “This book is an excellent resource if: 1. You are a “good, decent law-abiding citizen” who believes you could never end up involved in anything related to…
White Collar Crimes: Four outside Georgia plead guilty
The penalties if convicted of mail or wire fraud in Georgia are often severe and may include an extended amount of time in prison. However, facing federal charges for alleged white collar crimes does not constitute guilt. A person’s chances to obtain a positive outcome typically increase when experienced legal…