There are many situations in which Georgia authorities combine their efforts with outside law enforcement agencies to conduct sting operations and investigations into suspected large-scale crime rings. Such endeavors often lead to drug charges or other formal accusations, depending on the circumstances. A recent task force operation set up for…
Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyers Blog
Criminal Defense: The Use of Experts in Trials
Criminal Defense:The use of experts is an important decision in the defense of a criminal case. If the government, for example, has chosen to bring an expert on as part of their case, it may be an absolute necessity to obtain an expert on the defense side to refute the…
Sex Crimes: Council member in Georgia accused of sex crimes
Sex crimes: Serving one’s community in the capacity of a city council member is considered by many to be a worthwhile endeavor. Being accused of criminal wrongdoing while serving on a council, however, may not only ruin a person’s reputation but also cause immediate and long-lasting consequences, even before the…
Drug Charges: Key factors to consider in Georgia
The need for skilled and experienced criminal defense assistance is widespread in Georgia and surrounding regions. There are many reasons a person might retain a criminal lawyer. The situation may have something to do with drug charges, weapons violations, suspected driving driving or other issues. With regard to being accused…
Drug Charges: DEA agents seeking cooperation
Drug Charges: Whether one should answer questions asked by authorities regarding suspected criminal activity is a choice many people in Georgia have had to make. Especially with regard to federal criminal charges, it can be very scary to face investigators and answer questions concerning particular situations. Many defendants choose not…
Drug Charges: Police raid Georgia house, find heroin and a monkey
Drug Charges: Georgia police often conduct extended investigations when they suspect one or more parties of illicit drug activities. A recent bust occurred after a long surveillance of a Georgia couple. Officers say that in addition to possible heroin, they found some other items as well, including one that came…
Sex Crimes: Instructor accused of child molestation in Georgia
A martial arts instructor in Georgia has been accused of sex crimes. The child molestation allegations have apparently pitted members of the community against one another. Some have rallied around him in defense of his good character and presumed innocence, while others have stated they believe the accusations are true.…
Ryan Lochte and International Extradition 101
Ryan Lochte has been front and center in the news this past week, and not for his achievements at the Rio Olympics. Unfortunately, he has learned that social media and statements made exaggerating what occurred has made things quite complicated for Mr. Lochte. Speedo has ended their almost decade long…
Drug Charges: Officers say LSD in car during Georgia traffic stop
Drug charges: An incident occurred in Georgia on a recent Thursday that ultimately led to three people being arrested. Apparently, the events unfolded at a checkpoint on the road set up by local law enforcement agents. Authorities say the check station was arranged to check commercial vehicles and to screen…
Georgia couple facing criminal defense issues
Georgia state apparently had arrest warrants issued for two persons who happen to be married to each other. An incident recently occurred that led to accusations against the husband for property damage and other offenses. The encounter reportedly resulted in both husband and wife being placed under arrest and in…