From fraud and theft involving the internet to offenses involving pornography, there are a variety of online crime charges people face. As with offline crime allegations, the consequences can be very serious and the allegations may not always be true. Online stalking charges, known as cyberstalking, can be particularly damaging and…
Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyers Blog
Other consequences associated with white collar offenses
We recently looked into the different ways in which white collar crime charges can spell disaster for one’s career. However, it is crucial to bear in mind that these allegations can disrupt your life in other ways, even if you are ultimately found innocent. For example, you may be involved…
Cybercrime charges and your career options
We have gone over some of the different consequences associated with cybercrime charges on our blog, from time behind bars to a shattered reputation. In this blog post, we will look into how your career may be impacted by cybercrime allegations. In Atlanta and all over the state of Georgia,…
Billing practices that could lead to health care fraud charges
Health care providers with private practices in Georgia may encounter many situations where failing to follow proper procedure when it comes to billing could land them in hot water. In fact, as Cornell Law School’s Legal Information Institute explains that certain actions could be health care fraud. To prove fraud,…
Could legal computer actions be criminalized?
While they hardly ever garner headlines, the prosecution of computer crimes has grown exponentially over the past five years. This should not be surprising considering how online commerce has revolutionized the way we do business in the United States and across the world. Because of this, so many more computers…
White collar offenses and your career
When white collar crime charges surface, the situation must be looked at from a number of angles. Aside from carefully going over the details involved in the alleged incident, someone facing these charges should be aware of just how disruptive a negative outcome in court could be. In fact, simply…
Handling false online crime allegations
People are falsely accused of many different types of offenses for a wide variety of reasons, whether they have a former partner who wants to exact revenge or someone mistakenly believes that they were responsible for a crime. In the digital era, some of these false accusations arise and involve…
Destroying public mailboxes and other federal offenses
If you have been accused of destroying a public mailbox, you may be unsure of what to do next. While some may assume that these charges are relatively insignificant, harsh consequences may follow. Moreover, there are many other types of federal offense charges that people find themselves facing, which also…
What to know if you are accused of Medicare fraud
The Department of Justice states that health care fraud costs the country tens of billions of dollars every year. With so much money at stake, it is no surprise Medicare fraud cases are drawing increased attention from the government. Medicare fraud is a federal crime, and the government has a…
What are some cyberbullying examples?
On this blog, we have discussed various issues related to cyberbullying charges, from false allegations of this offense to some of the consequences that those facing allegations may experience. Furthermore, some people do not realize that certain types of online behavior are illegal and constitute cyberbullying, which is why it…