Citizens of Georgia may assume that every law enforcement agent is following the laws laid out by the state and federal government. However, this is not always the case. When it comes to arresting an individual and/or obtaining evidence, there are certain protocols that need to be followed, and when…
Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyers Blog
Facing cyberbullying charges as an adult
We have looked into various issues related to cyberbullying in some of our blog posts, such as the consequences that may come from these charges. It is also important to point out that some people do not realize that many adults have faced charges as a result of cyberbullying as…
Preventing drug overdose in the U.S.
According to recent research, drug overdose causes more Americans under the age of 50 to die than anything else — including firearms and motor vehicle accidents. This has been attributed to the global issue of opioid addiction. Some solutions have been proposed to help those who are struggling with addiction…
Cryptocurrency and white collar offenses
The computer age has brought all sorts of innovations and life has changed in ways that many people never could have imagined. From a financial perspective, life has changed considerably in recent years. Many people conduct their banking over the internet and people rely on technology for key financial transactions.…
When drugs are planted in your vehicle
We have covered many different aspects of drug cases, but some are especially upsetting. For example, some people who are completely innocent find themselves facing drug charges even though they have never possessed an unlawful substance. There are a number of ways in which this can happen, but one example…
How does a drug conviction affect financial aid for college?
If you live in Georgia, have been convicted of a drug-related offense and want to go to college, you may have some hurdles to contend with. A big one is that your ability to receive financial aid is cut off for a certain period of time, and this means higher…
Proving fraudulent intent
Accusations of fraud are often the result of people losing significant amounts of money, property or other forms of wealth in investments or transactions in Atlanta. Given the consequences such losses can bring, the anxiety felt by those that suffer them is understandable. Yet should it justify accusations of wrongdoing?…
Jail, state prison and federal prison: what is the difference?
When someone commits a crime, they will likely face incarceration. Jail, state prison and federal prison are all places where one can go, but what are the differences between the three? Jail Many people think that jail and prison are the same. Often, the two are referenced as interchangeable,…
Facing charges as a drug addict
Drug charges affect people from various walks of life, from those who are very wealthy to those living in poverty. However, the consequences of a drug charge can make life very difficult for anyone, regardless of their circumstances in life. Some people in Atlanta and across the state of Georgia find…
When your teen is charged with an online offense
As a parent, you may go through many difficult situations while raising your child. For example, you could have a hard time helping them through problems with their friends or their school performance. However, there are times when it can be especially challenging to be a parent, such as your…