If you are facing charges of mail fraud in Georgia, it is important you understand the seriousness of the crime. A conviction can result in harsh penalties such as fines and/or jail time, so it is imperative you get legal help right away. Because mail fraud is so broad, there…
Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyers Blog
Restoration of rights after a felony conviction
Once a person receives a felony conviction in the state of Georgia, that party loses certain civil rights. This loss can have a lasting effect even after the person repays the debt to society. Thankfully, in some cases, there are options for parties to seek restoration of their rights after receiving a…
The stigma of white collar offenses
When someone is charged with white collar offenses, they may have concerns about how these allegations will affect them financially, whether they have to pay stiff fines or end up losing their job as a result of the case. Or, they may worry about spending time behind bars. While these…
Was that drug search legal?
In Georgia, police are often cracking down on drug-related crimes despite the fact that many think the “war on drugs” has ended. Conaway & Strickler, PC, Attorneys at Law, are here to help defend your rights if you have ever been arrested because of a drug-related accusation. The first thing…
Facing charges over the sale of marijuana
Recently, some states took a look at the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes, while many other parts of the country already allow the legal use of marijuana for recreational purposes. Moreover, many states allow marijuana use for medical reasons. However, people continue to face charges related to marijuana, whether…
What is a Ponzi scheme?
If you are like many people in Georgia, you have heard stories about people being charged with criminal offenses and the term “Ponzi scheme” has been used but you may not fully understand what this means. It may be easier than some people think to be involved in a business…
What is illegal search and seizure?
Citizens of Georgia may assume that every law enforcement agent is following the laws laid out by the state and federal government. However, this is not always the case. When it comes to arresting an individual and/or obtaining evidence, there are certain protocols that need to be followed, and when…
Facing cyberbullying charges as an adult
We have looked into various issues related to cyberbullying in some of our blog posts, such as the consequences that may come from these charges. It is also important to point out that some people do not realize that many adults have faced charges as a result of cyberbullying as…
Preventing drug overdose in the U.S.
According to recent research, drug overdose causes more Americans under the age of 50 to die than anything else — including firearms and motor vehicle accidents. This has been attributed to the global issue of opioid addiction. Some solutions have been proposed to help those who are struggling with addiction…
Cryptocurrency and white collar offenses
The computer age has brought all sorts of innovations and life has changed in ways that many people never could have imagined. From a financial perspective, life has changed considerably in recent years. Many people conduct their banking over the internet and people rely on technology for key financial transactions.…