
Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyers Blog


Drug court may be a solution for those facing felony drug charges

People who have been arrested and are facing felony drug charges in Georgia have many concerns. One of them is likely the fact that they will no longer have access to their substance of choice. Substance use disorders are recognized as health conditions, and access to treatment is critical. Fortunately,…


False allegations of cybercrime and your career

People are accused of various offenses related to the internet, from computer fraud to cyberstalking and even cyberterrorism. However, these cases may be based on completely fabricated allegations in some instances. Regardless of whether the claims are true or not, the damage to one’s reputation can be irreparable and may…


Medicare fraud: 3 federal laws you should know

The federal government looks on Medicare fraud rather severely because the offense involves defrauding the government of money. There are many ways to commit Medicare fraud. For example, it could include any of the following: Misrepresenting the facts of a case or making a false claim to the federal government to…


Couple lives lavishly with money embezzled from woman’s employer

When people are entrusted with managing their employer’s cash flow in Georgia, they are often given access to financial accounts where they are trusted to monitor incoming and outgoing expenses. Many companies go to great lengths to verify that the people they hire that have access to sensitive information, are trustworthy…

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