
Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyers Blog


Variations on a traditional Ponzi scheme

Whenever news breaks of a developing Ponzi scheme, it becomes a topic of conversation in many Georgia households. Some people may be under the misunderstanding that this illegal activity is limited to situations where money is invested for unnaturally high returns. However, potential investors should be aware that Ponzi schemes…


Georgia’s view on cyberbullying

People in Atlanta tend to view cybercrime is hacking attacks launched by sophisticated “tech-heads” to either steal information or interfere with an organization’s online activities. Yet the actual definition of cybercrime is criminal activities out with computers or via the Internet. Applying this definition could make cause cybercrime to hit closer…


Avoiding unlawful tax avoidance strategies

Most in Atlanta have been raised believing that there are only two inevitabilities in life: death and taxes. There are some, however, that might say that the latter is not necessarily inevitable. Advertisements from providers offering advice and services to help people reduce their tax liabilities often pepper popular media. Some…

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